You have to save money consistently over a lifetime to have a fortune life. My reference is from Prov.21:20 (LB) “The wise person saves for the future. The foolish person spends all he gets.”
You are accountable to God for how you spend your money. That is why you have to handle your money and put a plan together!
How do you plan your financial matters?
1. Increase your income. Read my article about Work and Make Money
2. Control your spending. Establish and live by a budget. A budget is a plan to spend money. It provides limits and boundaries, which give security. Use a basic plan – the 10/20/70 plan. Give the 10% to God. Use the 20% for your future. Put this in a long-range savings investment fund. Let it grow. Use the remaining 70% for your normal life expenses, including paying your debt.
3. Save for future. Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer (Proverbs 30:25). Save hard as you work hard.
4. Avoid the impulse buying or compulsive spending. Be content with what you get from God.
5. Pay your debt. You have to plan how to be free from debt.
This is a simple way in managing our finance, but not many people can walk this way.
Good read:
Bank on Yourself: The Life-Changing Secret to Growing and Protecting Your Financial Future
Save Smart for a Secure Future: The Essential Guide to Achieving Your Retirement Dreams
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