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March 8, 2010

Work and Make Money

Why we have to work? Because we were created to rule all creatures in the world. Human work is the means by which we can stay alive. We need to work (hard and smart) and earn some money. The key to generating income is diligent work.

Why do we need money? Because money can not just come by itself into our wallet. There are a lot of things we can’t do if we don’t have money. Money is not bad in and of itself. It depends on whose hands, a righteous person or a bad person.

Hard work leads to God’s blessing. Do not be lazy. We need to work as an ant and consider its ways (Prov.6:6). It is wised to increase our income little by little and it is advisable to have more than one source of income.

Why is it important for us to work heartily as unto the Lord? – Colossians 3:23. One of God’s law is ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' It means that whatever we do, seek to do it with excellence. We have to work in totality. We must take responsibility for our lives.

Diligence brings wealth and profit. Every prosperous person in the world was a diligent worker!

Diligence brings happiness. Every person who work with love and joy will feel the job easier and his or her performance will be increased. Do your very best for God. Do it with joy, great intensity, integrity, and with a co-operative attitude.

Do everything to the glory of God. He will be honoured, and He will honour you in the workplace.

Good reads:
Make Money Work For YouInstead of You Working for It: Lessons from a Portfolio Manager
Make Money Online & Work from Home - (Video Series #1)
Raise Rules for Women: The Quick Start Guide To Make More Money At Work
Make Money Online & Work from Home - (Video Series #1)

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