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March 10, 2010

Just copy the billionaire's strategy for success

Each person is unique. They have its own personality and profile. No exception to the rich people. But in terms of strategies for financial success and wealth they have a same pattern.

What similarities are owned by the billionaire in the world? They both excel in making money. They set goals and strategy, they have a culture of hard work, focus, and the habit of spending which is based on prudence principles.

So what the difference does it make to you who may also do the same thing? The strategy is a very basic in nature. Could it be the habits and belief systems of the billionaires that distinguishes it from other people? There are no simple answers to questions like this. There must be other things that might be simple but essential are not notice by others.

How to Be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth is a book that should be read by people who want to adopt a strategy of rich people are. Why should reinventing the wheel? Why build your own strategies that may not be successful, while you just need to copy from what already exists? The author, Martin Fridson, saw a similar pattern in terms of strategies to make money and become rich.

Martin identifies the methods, beliefs, and behaviors you must understand and emulate to reach the height of riches. This book is like a manual for success that can benefit you. What is featured in the book may surprise you, because they were violated ethical rules. They are resourcefulness, drive, and sometimes, ruthlessness that produced their great fortunes. They try to dominate the market by trying to circumvent the monopoly regulations. They followed the political conditions of a country and invest there. They just copying others with a small modification. You will see a new and comprehensive perspective. Truly enlightening work filled with the basic strategies that have worked for others.

Why don't just buy the book and apply the pattern to be rich?

Robert Tampubolon

How to Be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth

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