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May 3, 2010

The Law of Attraction: Reasons of Failures and How to Make it Work

Since The Secret, a book that reintroduced the Law of Attraction, was published, there are so many people trying to apply it. Several people testified that the outcome was remarkable, but their numbers were only a few people. More people have failed in using the power of the law.

So what causes the failure? From a lot of analysis done by some other writers, and also from my understanding of the sources of law, the Bible, several causes of the failure are:

1. They fail because they only focus on the law, not on who makes the law is functioning properly. Logically, we can accept that a law like the law of gravity, must have a creator. I would say that God is the maker of that law, and in specific I would say that it was Jesus who made it, because something does not exist if He did not make it exist. They fail because they do not involve God to take part so that the law of attraction works fine in their lives.
2. They fail because they do not seek to eliminate the negative thoughts that really have the power to sabotage or weaken the desire or dream.
3. They fail because they do not harness the power of their subconscious mind, to affirm the desire or dream repeatedly, either to others or to themself.
4. They fail because they do not realize that negative thoughts have a powerful role in influencing the subconscious forces to ignore their dreams. Job is an obvious example in the Bible, as he always prayed for his children because he feared his children had sinned against God. Every morning he would even sacrifice a burnt offering for Each of Them - Job 1:4 b. In fact, all their children die because of natural disasters. This led him to say: “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.” – Job 3:25.
5. They fail because they do not have strong reasons for the desire or dream. When they were asked, for example, why they wanted the dream, they usually do not demonstrate that they have strong reasons or a passionate desire to meet them.

Once we know the five causes of the law of attraction failures, we will be able to conclude what we should do.
1. Use the faith to know that the invisible is more real than the visible. This would prove that we acknowledge the existence of God, which is not visible, as the source or giver of blessings which will grant our wishes and dreams come true. Written in Hebrews 11:3: "By faith We understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."
2. Point your faith into the main target. There is a fairy tale, where an angel willing to help a poor man. The angel offered to give whatever being asked by the poor, but limited only to three requests. Then the poor asked for food. The angel was using a stick to provide the requested food. Then the angels asked what the second request. The poor ask for new clothes, and the angel was using his stick to provide the required dress. Angels ask the third request. The poor man asked for the stick at the hands of the angel, because he thought if he has the stick he will be able to provide all needs. Similarly, we need to come to the one who is able to provide everything for us, namely God.
3. Faith has two sides. One side is an expectation or hope, and the other side is doing. So, we should not only expect something but also must work to show that we are ready to receive what we expected. James says that if the faith is not accompanied by action, is dead - James 2:17. The acts are also included a plan for our lives forward. We have to set goals and strategies for achieving that goal. We also need to develop ourselves to build our personality. Like the new wine should be placed in a new bags. As written in the Bible: “Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." – Matthew 9:17). For a change in life, as a result of the realization of our dreams, we certainly need new personality as well.
4. After doing the work and bore fruit, what you get should be shared to the needy. Work is a gift. So when we work not just to fulfill our dreams, but also to share. Working and sharing should be the motto of our lives. The Apostle Paul writes as follows: “He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.” – Ephesians 4:28.
5. Reject all negative thoughts or all the bad predictions. We must “close the door” from the possibility of criticism or things that will weaken or sabotage our dreams. Read my testimony in the case rejected a prediction at
6. Repeatedly announce our dreams to anyone, especially while still lying in bed before getting up early, or just before go to bed at night. I myself witnessed how the power of the subconscious was working when I say it over and over again until my wife had come to support my dreams with her faith (read at Therefore, involve your spouse to participate in your dreams.
7. Have a good reason for your dreams. A strong reason will build a solid determination within you. If we have no reason to reach for our dreams, try to relate them to a noble goal such as sharing with the needy, as described above. So the dream must also be associated with a greater compassion.

With this brief review I hope we can increase the number of people who successfully use the power of the law of attraction and may you also be included in the group of people who can manage it. May the Lord be with you in achieving your dream.

Robert Tampubolon

Recommended Reading:
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
The Science of Getting Rich - Using The Secret Law of Attraction to Accumulate Wealth
Link to The Science of Getting Rich

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